Geopolitics: Freedom vs Tyranny
Or the search for sovereignty. In this final part of the trilogy, how the Doom Cult almost gained total world control in the last 300 years or more. But now the resistance is growing...
[I am indebted to Matthew Ehret, Alex Krainer and others for much of what follows]
Geopolitics – whether we like it or not, geopolitics has an impact on us all. And not just in the sense of life and death, who is waging war on who, forcing neutral countries to absorb refugees, or even pay for proxy wars. But, to paraphrase Clausewitz’s famous saying ‘War is diplomacy by other means’, there are a number of ways that war can be waged against people in addition to physically attacking them. The geopolitical space is where the big ideas of freedom, human welfare and happiness are fought over. What happens in that space feeds through into our daily lives.
In the previous articles, I discussed how the Mind Virus has used certain psychological tricks to gain control over us; and how that same mind virus worked through the Venetians to twist our understanding of science for the last 500 years in order to create the basis for their Doom Cult. I now want to track how the mind virus has operated in the geopolitical sphere to achieve its goals, and how much of what we see today has its roots going back at least 300 or more years, at times almost achieving total control of the world through the Doom Cult.
The good news is that, from a geopolitical perspective, the Doom Cult appears to be losing.
The bad news is that we here in the West are in the belly of the beast. Which is why it matters, especially to us in the West [I am writing from England], what happens in America. Above all, we should not lose hope.
As my great grandfather wrote to his daughter, my grandmother, from his hotel in Liverpool in June 1940, when he and my great grandmother were about to cross the Atlantic by ship to the USA, “whatever happens don’t allow yourself to give in spiritually… we will not give in”. He had great confidence in Americans coming to our aid, and said he had no intention of allowing a submarine to get them. [They survived and came back to the UK later].
Now, more than ever, after the Doom Cult has revealed itself capable of shutting down the global economy with the Covid crisis, effectively putting us on a war footing and in the process destroying lives and livelihoods of millions of people, it is critical that we understand how the Doom Cult has operated historically. History reveals the goals and the tactics of the Doom Cult, as well as how and when it has been successfully challenged in the past. Progress made in the search for sovereignty in the past has laid the seeds for success today. I am thinking here particularly of America, and of Russia.
‘World Island’
When discussing geopolitics, it helps to look at maps. And particularly helpful to consider a perspective which Sir Harold Mackinder proposed in a 1904 paper to the Royal Geographical Society called the World Island:-
From this perspective, Russia is the heartland of the world island. Mackinder believed that this was a pivot area and that whoever controlled the heartland controlled the world. Essentially this is land-based power. He contrasted that with the outer rim which he regarded as maritime power, as this map shows (bottom right) -
Britain is obviously the key maritime power (America also falls into the category of maritime for these purposes) – although historically the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese have all been great maritime powers at one time or another.
It was John Dee, Elizabeth I’s magician and astrologer, who first proposed the idea of a British empire based on naval strength. In 1577 he published his ‘General & Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of Navigation’ which explained the concept. But although Elizabeth was initially cautious and didn’t pursue the idea of empire, settlements began to spring up on the east coast of America – Virginia being named in honour of the virgin queen - and she went on to endorse the creation of East India company in 1600.
This map (bottom left) is a reminder of what the British empire eventually looked like at its height in 1915 more than 300 years later [all parts shaded in pink] -
By 1915 the British empire was more than 400 million people, a quarter of the world’s population. It was vast. Today, while the British Empire no longer technically exists, its legacy continues in other ways; ‘imperialism’ now effectively becoming ‘globalism’. Even as late as 1945 Churchill was still trying to defend the empire in his exchanges with FDR toward the end of WWII. And Britain and its allies have continued to focus on the big green blob…
So, if we want to understand the globalism of today, we need to understand its roots in British imperialism. Both the ‘imperialists’ and the ‘globalists’ have carried on serving the interests of the Doom Cult: in other words, providing either literal physical control (ie slavery) or psychological mind-control, so that the Doom Cult can have unfettered access to all resources, human and non-human.
Anyone who only starts observing the activities of the Doom Cult from the C20th onwards is missing the point. Likewise, anyone who wants to blame secret societies, such as Freemasonry; or ethno-religious groups, such as Islamic terrorists or Zionism; or ideologies, such as communism; or bankers is also missing the point. Zionism, for example, would not have succeeded in creating the state of Israel without the support of the Doom Cult. While many of these factors may have played their part on the world stage at one time or another, they have all been used and abused by the Doom Cult to suit its own purposes and its roots go much deeper, further back into history. No wonder people are confused.
Tragedy & Triumph
Undoubtedly, the ‘evil empire’ began placing its noose around the neck of the world from the beginning of the C17th. While the East India Company was developing its hold on India and the Far East under the guise of the spice trade from the early 1600s, the rest of the Doom Cult was busy exploiting the east coast of America showing its contempt for humans by taking tribal lands and importing, from the 1620s onwards, the first African slaves who began arriving in Virginia - an abhorrent mistreatment of human beings that didn’t end until the C19th.
Around the time that African slavery was arriving in colonial America, the most appalling bloodbath erupted in Europe; wars of religious beliefs that lasted for 30 years (1618-1648) in which parts of Germany lost up to half their population. Maybe about 8 million people died in the 30 Years War. And yet it was this appalling tragedy that prompted a major milestone in the resistance to the Doom Cult, one that still echoes today.
This is what Europe looked like in 1648 when the 30 Years War ended -
Germany and Italy were not unified countries. The Poles controlled much of Ukraine. The Turkish Ottoman empire had the rest of Ukraine including the Donbass [where the war is going on now] which was known as was the Crimean Khanate, as well as most of southern and central Europe. Definitely not the Europe of today.
It was the recognition of the principle of sovereignty, of the nation state, that emerged from the 30 Years War and was enshrined in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. As Matthew Ehret points out, the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia is unprecedented in that it has 128 clauses designed to respect the rights of others to be left alone and not impinge on territory that belongs to someone else. In particular, the treaty insisted that, first, all nations will be guided by the concern for the benefit of their neighbours and, second, that there must be forgiveness for all past transgressions.
Respect and freedom for individual nation states did not, however, necessarily translate into freedom and democracy within those countries. The reason why 1776 American Declaration of Independence and 1787 US Constitution are so unusual is because they recognised the rights of individual people when breaking free from British monarchy. These are relatively modern concepts that maybe come from an unexpected source. Indeed, it is more than possible that both the American revolutionaries and later the French were inspired by ideas that curiously came out of Ukraine sixty or so years after the Treaty of Westphalia.
‘Pacta et Constitutiones’
Written in Latin and called the Pacta et Constitutiones, there appeared in 1710 a work published by Hetman Pylyp Orlyk in the Ukraine.1 Hetman Orlyk was a cossack (Hetman means chief). An island in the Dniepr river known as Khortysia island, opposite Zaparozhia, was the cossacks’ sacred island (see below).
Over time cossacks had developed a democratic way of running their affairs, even separating executive, legislative and judicial branches of their government. Each cossack was a free man with the right to speak: “Matters should publicly debated, both in time of war and in time of peace”. Article 6 stated that it was bad for a country when autocrats prevented the rulers’ decisions from being discussed. The remedy against this was to be democracy, with “distinguished, judicious and meritorious individuals elected to the general council” and a kind of Senate with members appointed by the elected Hetman. In the future, nothing should be decided “except by their authority, without their will” (Article 6).
Orlyk made provisions against corruption. “The Hetman must not be guided by any gifts and favours and must not appoint anyone to the rank of colonel or other military or civil office in return for a bribe, nor assign anyone arbitrarily to these positions. That both military and civil officers, especially colonels, must be elected by a free vote and after the election, be confirmed by the Hetman’s authority.”
It is possible that this was the philosophical context in which the Americans fought for their independence from British tyranny in 1775, and created the constitution that followed, as well as influencing the French in their own revolution in 1789. As a consequence of what happened then there still exists a category of ‘free’ American who strongly believes in personal sovereignty and other enduring values which contrast with those of the globalist Doom Cult. These are powerful ideas of freedom, including national sovereignty in the case of the Americans - even though the Americans didn’t established their own principle of non-interference along the lines of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia until 1823 and the Monroe Doctrine.
Once the Americans had agreed on the Monroe Doctrine, that should have been that: leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone. At this point the Americans had broken free.
‘Opium’ & its Many Forms
With activity in the West checked in the 1820s by the Free Americans for the time being, the Doom Cult turned its attention to the East and the tragedy that became China.
Europe had been running a negative trade balance with China since about 1820 because Chinese goods, such as porcelain, tea and silk, were popular in Europe but there was no demand for European goods in China. Thus the outflow of silver to China led to a shortage of silver currency in Europe, until the British East India Company began smuggling opium from Bengal to China.
The Chinese government was opposed to the opium trade, but was unable to stop the smugglers who had the support of the British Empire. 1839 saw the start of the First Opium War (1839-1842) in which the British Empire forcibly opened up the Chinese market to the opium traders of the British East India Company. In March 1839 a senior official of the China government uncovered 350 foreigners involved in the opium trade, raided their factories and forced the surrender of 1,400 tons of opium which was then destroyed. This was about the annual level of British opium sales to China at the time.
In response, in August 1839, Hong Kong Island was occupied by British troops as a base of operation, and the British sent a fleet that arrived on the Chinese coast in 1840. Estuaries were blocked and Chinese junks were shelled. In the summer of 1841 the British conquered several Chinese coastal cities with troop reinforcements from India. The Chinese were no match for the Empire.
In August 1842, China was forced to sign the Treaty of Nanking, requiring them to tolerate British drug trafficking in China. In 1842, there were 416 million Chinese, but only 2 million drug addicts. By 1881 the population had dropped to 370 million, of which nearly a third 120 million were dependent on opium…2
… On the subject of ‘opium’, as the Doom Cult was to discover, not only physical drugs can destroy the minds of people but ideologies can too. It is not without irony that Karl Marx’s famous phrase, ‘religion is the opium of the people’ dates from 1843, around the same time as the Treaty of Nanking.
Karl Marx - the Spy?
There are two ways to look at Marx.
On the one hand, he followed in a political tradition that continued from the French Revolution in 1789; the word ‘socialism’ having first appeared among French activists in the 1830s. There was a lot of unrest among workers in Europe wanting improved rights at the time. In Britain, for example, we had the Chartist movement.
Or, on the other hand, you can take a view that there was more to Marx and the motive behind him.
For a private citizen, Marx had a remarkable number of contacts with important contemporary political figures. His wife was the sister of the Prussian Minister of the Interior, Ferdinand von Westphalen. He came from an affluent background. Both his parents were Jewish and from a long line of rabbis. On his mother’s side, he was related to the Rothschild family, as he shared a Dutch Barent-Cohen ancestor with Nathan Mayer 1st Lord Rothschild (1840-1915).
Writer Wolfgang Waldner refers to Marx as being a Prussian government agent.3 According to Waldner, Marx was used for spying into socialist circles. He could also help to steer any revolutionary fervour in a direction more useful to the Doom Cult. By 1848 his Communist Manifesto was published in London and he moved there a year later.
Waldner points out that, when Marx and Engels took over the communists’ ideological leadership, instead of dynamite the revolutionaries were pacified with ‘value-form analysis’ (ie complete nonsense). Pushing back against the anarchists was Marx’s main concern in the First International. Those who called for immediate change were vilified and attacked by Marx and Engels as ‘utopian’ socialists. Instead, only ‘scientific socialism’ could explain and justify the inevitability of workers’ impoverishment, with world revolution promised as a future consolation.
In other words, you could be misled into believing that communism was an ideology to liberate the working classes - a classic Mind Virus trick. Instead it was a means for the Doom Cult to divert revolution. Today it is more obvious that there is no real difference between extreme right and left; that these two labels are just different ways of achieving the same objective; ie the Doom Cult’s desire for us all to return to neo-feudalism which is where communism takes us [“own nothing and be happy”].
Furthermore, Waldner refers to Marx’s collaborations with a non-entity known as David Urquhart who got to know him in 1853. The significance of Urquhart is that he was strongly anti-Russian and keen to support British interests in attacking Russia. He encouraged Marx in his anti-Russian writing from this point on and Urquhart himself may have been involved in revolutionary activities in the Caucasus. Marx’s willingness to collaborate with Urquhart suggests that there is merit in the second interpretation of his role.
Russia - the Real Target
1853 was an important year in other ways. It was then that the British directly attacked Russia [in a curious parallel with today] with the outbreak of the Crimean War. The purpose of this Anglo-French operation with Turkish support was partly to stop Russia accessing ice free ports and keep her contained as a land power.
Throughout most of the C19th, as the British empire grew, the British had played The Great Game with ‘the green blob’, aka Russia, all through the Hindu Kush to keep Russia out of India. [Indeed it was so critical to block Russia that Britain even agreed with China in 1906 that Britain would keep out of Tibet, if China agreed to keep Tibet free of foreign influences (ie Russian) – in effect giving China control over Tibet, and perhaps even paving the way for what happened there later.]
It was during the Crimean war that Czar Alexander II came to power. Although he then lost that war and had to agree a peace treaty with the British and others, this czar was a problem for the Doom Cult. For a start, Alexander II was a reforming czar who authorised the emancipation of Russian serfs in 1861. Secondly, he gave crucial support to the Free Americans in the North when the American Civil War broke out in 1861.
The American Civil War was in some senses a proxy war, fought on behalf of British interests; British textile mills relying on cotton grown by slaves in the southern US states. They needed the South to win but were ultimately discouraged from providing assistance because, in 1863, Czar Alexander II sent the imperial Russian fleet to the aid of the North, landing in New York in the East and San Francisco in the West which sent a strong message to the British to keep out. As a result, the Union was saved. Without his help, it is possible that the North might have lost.
Then, to make matters worse for the British empire, in 1867 Czar Alexander sold Alaska to the Free Americans; thus boxing-in what was then called ‘British North America’, otherwise known as Canada. Cooperation between Russia and the Free Americans continued throughout the rest of the C19th as the Americans helped the Russians develop railways, including the Trans-Siberian railway (1890-1905) which was built with input from American engineers and rolling stock from Pennsylvania.
By the turn of the 20th century Russia was busy industrialising, even installing electricity from the 1880s onwards. But it was not in British imperialist interests for a free America to collaborate with a modernising Russia. A powerful Russia thus posed a major threat to the Doom Cult. Drastic measures were needed.
From the perspective of the World Island, this is what the Doom Cult needed to do
break the links between Russia and the Free Americans.
Likewise, the British also did not want the European heartland in the form of Germany getting too close to Russia.
Which explains the domino effect behind events leading to World War I. First, a Serbian assassinates an Austro-Hungarian on 28th June 1914. Austria declares war on Serbia. It is obvious that Germany would then support the Austrians, and Russia the Serbs. Because France was allied with Russia in August 1914, Britain sided with France. But that didn’t mean that Britain was sympathetic to Russia - on the contrary. This was an alliance of convenience.
Early C20th, Drastic Measures…
In the years leading up to WWI, around the turn of the C20th, it is possible to identify six key objectives of the Doom Cult behind the British Empire. The reason for mentioning any of them is that they all still reverberate today in one form or another.
First, of paramount importance, was the goal of preserving and protecting the empire itself. This was an empire of 400 million people with a foothold on every continent on which the sun hardly set.
On the one hand, it is to be expected that people like Lord Alfred Milner, a prominent member of the British government and imperialist to his core, or Cecil Rhodes, the infamous plunderer of Africa after whom Rhodesia was named [now Zimbabwe], should want the empire to continue. Both Milner and Rhodes were behind the Round Table movement which had as its objective uniting colonies into some kind of world government. On the other hand, it is not so obvious that the founders of the body that promoted socialism, the Fabian Society would also express strong enthusiasm for empire.4 Like Milner and Rhodes, the Fabians also viewed the empire as a vehicle for one world government - although in their case it would be a ‘socialist’ government.
Founded in 1884, the Fabian society describes itself as Britain’s oldest political think tank. Early members of the Fabian Society were among those who founded the London School of Economics (LSE) in 1895. Prominent Fabians, such as Sidney Webb and George Bernard Shaw, ‘rejected the idea that Britain must educate subject peoples towards self-government … [The] utilitarian idea of empire thus displayed a zeal for order and centralization, and its dominant theme was greater efficiency’.5 Shaw considered the British Empire to be an ideal international authority and an essential part of the evolutionary process.
If that isn’t appalling enough, Fabian views on eugenics should, however, leave you speechless. As Jonathan Freedland points out,6 George Bernard Shaw could write ‘the only fundamental and possible socialism is the socialisation of the selective breeding of man’. Freedland explains that, ‘from the beginning, socialism regarded itself as the natural ally, even the political version, of science. Just as biologists sought to understand animals and plants, so scientific socialism would master people.’ They were v inspired by Darwin, and ‘a Darwinian commitment to improving the quality of the nation’s genetic stock’. Freedland writes, ‘many progressives were drawn to the hope that science could build up the strong parts of the nation, and slowly eliminate the weak’. Fabians willingly joined the Eugenics Society.
It is entirely predictable that Rhodes and his associates should adhere to similar beliefs. Writing in an 1877 ‘Confession of Faith’, Rhodes declared ‘the Anglo-Saxon race more of the best the most human, most honourable race the world possesses’.7
[No real difference between ‘left’ and ‘right’…?]
Cecil Rhodes had already died when the Round Table movement started in 1909 but he left a legacy both for that and for his more well-known scholarships which were launched in Oxford in 1903 and still continue today. In the same 1877 ‘Confession of Faith’ Rhodes gave an indication of the purpose of the eponymous scholarships.8 Basing the scholarships at Oxford university, they gave the imperialists the opportunity to ‘watch the English youth passing through their hands’ to see who would be useful to the empire (and ultimately to the Doom Cult), in other words, a filter for talent-spotting. One example of someone chosen through this route is the former US president Bill Clinton.
[JP Morgan (top left); Lord Alfred Milner (centre); Cecil Rhodes (below); Beatrice & Sidney Webb with GB Shaw (bottom right)]
While the Rhodes Scholarships contributed to the second major goal of turning America away from Russia and back into the British fold, strengthening the ties between Britain and America was also addressed in 1902 with the launching in London of the Pilgrims Society. This body still exists today and has the openly-declared aim of fostering Anglo-American friendship. It helped that it had the support of American financier JP Morgan. His father, John Junius Morgan, had gone into business with another American George Peabody in London in 1854. JP Morgan and his family had retained close ties with London ever since [eg in 1910 JP Morgan’s London banking activities went on to become the investment bank Morgan Grenfell].
It is a measure of the success of these Anglo-American influences that President Woodrow Wilson was persuaded in April 1917 to abandon the Monroe Doctrine, after nearly 100 years, and the USA entered WWI on the side of the British against Germany.
The third goal around 1900 was the British desperate need to retain the ‘Jewel in the Crown’, ie India, and even today still tries to pull India into its sphere of influence. Fourth was the desire to keep China weak. I have already mentioned the Opium Wars which China lost. Between 1899 and 1901 the Boxer rebellions were further failed attempts by the Chinese to rid themselves of the British parasite. Fifth, the empire wanted to continue colonising Africa, keeping the continent underdeveloped and backward, thus making it easier to drain it of resources.
The sixth major goal is perhaps the most shocking - because it is not one which is ever discussed. It was never made explicit. And that was the covert plan to destroy Russia.
… as Applied to Russia
It was during WWI that the plan to destroy Russia was put into operation. And April 1917 was when Vladimir Lenin arrived at the Finland Station in St Petersburg, thus paving the way for the October Bolshevik revolution later that year.
By using communism, the ideology that came from the writings of the London-based Karl Marx, the Doom Cult effectively destroyed Russia from within, returning its population to a form of neo-feudalism and enabling the West to forever demonise the country.
And not just damage to Russia, but China too. Thirty years later, in 1947, China got the same treatment. Just a coincidence that an outpost of Yale in Beijing happened to befriend the young Mao Tse Tung in 1919 and help him with his studies..?9
So, what are the grounds for believing that the Doom Cult was behind the deliberate destruction of Russia from 1917? And that what happened wasn’t just an organic rebellion against a tyrannical czar?
In November 1919 the Rt Hon Winston Churchill MP, Secretary of State for War, spilled the beans in the British House of Commons. Admittedly he blamed the Germans. And it is true, during WWI the Germans did facilitate Lenin’s railway journey from Switzerland across Germany in a ‘sealed’ railway carriage. According to Churchill,
“Lenin was sent into Russia by the Germans in the same way that you might send a phial containing a culture of typhoid or of cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy.”
Effectively, communism was used to ‘poison’ Russia. Churchill went on to say,
“No sooner did Lenin arrive than he began beckoning a finger here and a finger there to obscure persons in sheltered retreats in New York, in Glasgow, in Berne, and other countries, and he gathered together the leading spirits of a formidable sect, the most formidable sect in the world, of which he was the high priest and chief. With these spirits around him he set to work with demoniacal ability to tear to pieces every institution on which the Russian State and nation depended. Russia was laid low. Russia had to be laid low. She was laid low to the dust.”10
But what Churchill didn’t explain was the role of the British or their support for Trotsky. The Doom Cult too had motive for wanting Russia ‘to be laid low’. All throughout the C19th the British had been trying to foment trouble one way or another for Russia. All very convenient that where the two leaders of the Russian revolution met each other for the first time in 1902
[On the left is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Vladimir Lenin. And on the right is Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky]
happened to be London. Between 1902 and 1911, Lenin paid six visits to London. His visit in 1905 is of particular note. This man (centre),
Philip Whitwell Wilson, was possibly quite literally the lynch pin. It was at his home in Percy Circus, in the Kings Cross area of London, that Lenin stayed in 1905.
Philip Whitwell Wilson was a writer and a journalist. He wrote a number of books (including one coincidentally on George Peabody in 1926) and spent the rest of his life as a journalist in America, dying there in 1956. In 1906 he became a Liberal Party MP and was a prominent supporter of empire. In 1909 he was described as being a prime mover of the first-ever Imperial Press Conference, organised by many of the same people in the Pilgrims society, such as Lord Alfred Milner. He wasn’t known for being a communist or even a socialist, so why was he happy to host Lenin?11
Whitwell Wilson wasn’t the only one to take an interest in these Russian revolutionaries. It is known, for example, that Trotsky spent four months being looked after by Wall Street financiers in New York in 1917, and then went to Canada where he was arrested.12 The British helped Trotsky leave Canada and President Woodrow Wilson provided him with an American passport for his return to Russia. There is a view that Trotsky was even the financiers’ choice to lead Russia after the revolution.
And then there was the bizarre ‘American Red Cross’ mission to Russia in 1917 just after the revolution, led by US magnate William Boyce Thompson. The majority of this mission was made up of lawyers, financiers, and their assistants, from the New York financial district with only a handful of doctors.13 According to Anthony Sutton, ‘without the financial and, more important, the diplomatic and propaganda assistance given to Trotsky and Lenin by Thompson, Robins, and their New York associates, the Bolsheviks may well have withered away and Russia [might have] evolved into a socialist but constitutional society’.14
Undoubtedly, the Doom Cult struck a terrible blow to Russia without anyone realising who the original perpetrators were. As Churchill said in 1919, Russia was “robbed of her place among the great nations of the world”.15 By the time of the collapse of the USSR in 1991, communism had been exposed as the anti-human, destructive ideology it was always intended to be. In 1991 Russia was in a terrible state with low birth rates, rampant alcoholism, high unemployment, extensive poverty - by any metric, not a happy place.
One hundred years later, in 2017, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, posed the question at the Valdai conference, “if we [could] not have evolved by way of gradual and consistent forward movement rather than at a cost of destroying our statehood and the ruthless fracturing of millions of human lives?”.16 He is well aware that what happened to Russia in 1917 was, and for a long time afterwards, largely to the benefit of the West. But not any more…
Tables Turn: Doom Cult in Demise
Not only Russia but other countries around the world are now throwing off the yoke of the Doom Cult; no longer wanting to dance to the tune of the Western globalists. And this time the tectonic plates have moved dramatically. The good news is that the changes are permanent. People are not playing along with the old playbook.
It is no coincidence that there has been no wider regional war breaking out in the Middle East from the moment the atrocities in Gaza began. Possible that Middle Eastern countries have been briefed by the Russians to resist being drawn in. The unacceptable massacre and suffering of the Palestinians has to be seen for what it is without the distraction of other invading armies. The cruelty of the hegemon is exposed for all the world to see.
Globalism has failed in other ways.
The principle of sovereignty, established in 1648 (Treaty of Westphalia) and again in 1945 with the UN, still holds sway in global politics. Article 2 of the UN Charter clearly states ‘The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members’. The importance of the nation state has prevailed in spite of all the attempts to destroy it, most notably by the philosopher Karl Popper and his followers.
Not long after WWII, in 1947, a young Hungarian named George Soros arrived in London and began his studies at the Fabian London School of Economics (LSE). It was here that he came under the influence of Karl Popper, later naming his ‘Open Societies Foundations’ in honour of Popper’s classic ‘The Open Society and its Enemies’ published in London in 1945.17 Both Popper and Soros equated ‘nationalism’ with ‘tribalism’; Popper stating that ‘nationalism appeals to our tribal instincts’. In other words, globalism is modern, progressive and ‘scientific’, whereas nationalism is something from the past to be rejected.
Many years later, another Fabian, the former British PM Tony Blair also tried to suggest that there should be a further redefinition of the rights of a nation-state. In a speech in March 2004 he even mentioned the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. He argued that, following the events of September 11 and the spread of weapons of mass destruction, the rights of the modern system of the nation-state should be reviewed and curtailed.
Fortunately none of these attempts have succeeded. And now there are certain political and economic realities which the Doom Cult is powerless to reverse. It cannot ignore the reality of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).
As these charts show,
the BRICS in 2023, according to the IMF, have overtaken the G7 in terms of share of global GDP at purchasing power parity. And Russia, the most sanctioned country in the world, has overtaken Germany. Russia is now the number one economy in Europe. While the BRICS nations gather to talk trade, the West only talks war. Interest in joining BRICS from around the world can only grow. The Doom Cult is being left behind.
Furthermore, as BRICS expand, it is likely that BRICS nations will control 80% of global oil production – even including that of former US ally Saudi Arabia. In future oil will either be denied to the West or only available at v high prices. Given that we can now only buy Russian oil via India, that is already happening.
Fortunately none of this should matter to us in the West, because, given the obsession with Net Zero, we will have to abandon fossil fuels anyway and de-industrialise. (Certainly Germany had no say in the matter when the Nordstream pipeline was destroyed.) So, we in the West can therefore look forward to a cold, poor future thanks to our idiot overlords and the muppets who support them. [You can know that you are in the grip of a lunatic death cult when you realise that they want to spend $bn’s vacuuming CO2 – the food of life - out of the atmosphere. These are called ‘direct air capture removal projects’ which either store CO2 underground or in cement.]
We can, however, take some comfort that Net Zero is slowly being exposed as a fraud with articles like this 2016 paper published in Nature ‘Greening of the Earth and its drivers’.18 In this paper they investigated long term satellite date (1982–2009) to establish a leaf area index (LAI). They looked at ten global ecosystem models and four key drivers. They found LAI trends which show
‘a persistent and widespread increase of growing season integrated LAI (greening) over 25% to 50% of the global vegetated area, whereas less than 4% of the globe shows decreasing LAI (browning).’ They point out that ‘CO2 fertilization effects explain 70% of the observed greening trend’. What a surprise…
This satellite image from NASA further confirms the 2016 paper.
An area larger than the Amazon forest is now greener.19
At least as we shiver we can share our misery with others. In spite of the constant attempts to censor, the Doom Cult seems to have lost control of the internet. We all now have a better idea of what is going on, thanks to the world wide web. The ability to share information is a complete game-changer and one major reason why this time we stand a better chance against the Mind Virus and its Doom Cult than did the Gnostics nearly 2,000 years ago.
But it remains the case that we in the West, especially in Britain, are stuck – London being the centre for so many of the psychological tricks used for world control. Which is why it matters for us what happens in America (as my great grandfather possibly intuited in 1940).
Luckily, the Americans broke free at a critical time in history. And it is no wonder that what happened then still resonates. I am talking of course about 1776. This is our hope of liberation.
The Americans have a legal framework for fighting for freedom which is what we in Britain lack. Their First Amendment is a powerful tool.
What we all want is world peace with all the various nations collaborating on their own terms, not just those in BRICS. We want an end to the Doom Cult using the pretext of ‘saving the planet’ to prevent Africa from developing or denying us low cost energy. The poorest countries should be able to use their own resources, not for our benefit in the West, but for themselves – even if that means that white water rafting isn’t quite as easy as it was when the Third World was more ‘pristine’.20 Every child’s life matters wherever they live, in Gaza or the Congo.21
Above all, we all want the Doom Cult to disintegrate and disappear so we can all embrace life and live in freedom. The World is waking up. It is starting to happen. The resistance is growing.
Pylyp Orlyk (1672-1742), Philosophy Now, 2022
Its name, Fabian Society, derives from a Roman general Quintus Fabius who preferred to wait until the right moment to strike during the Punic Wars, and is intended to indicate a preference for gradual transformation of society into socialism rather than revolution. Significantly the symbol of the Fabian Society is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Fred D Schneider Fabians and the Utilitarian Idea of Empire, Cambridge 2009
Jonathan Freedland Eugenics and the master race of the left – archive, 1997 The Guardian, May 2019
Federico Soldani, The political career of Mao, Yale and the “reorientation of thought” (2020)
House of Commons Hansard record 5th November 1919; Dr Amy McGrath Wolves in Sheep's Clothing p28
Anthony Sutton Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution How western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union, 1974; “We gave Trotsky a safe conduct from Halifax, where he was in a British gaol” Lieut.-Commander Kenworthy, Hansard, House of Commons 5th Nov 1919
ditto, Anthony Sutton The American Red Cross Mission in Russia, 1917, 1974
ditto, Anthony Sutton William Boyce Thompson, 1974
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club, October 2017
Richard Poe, How the British invented George Soros, June 2021
Greening of the Earth & its Drivers, Nature April 2016
James Delingpole may have despaired that no one took any notice of ‘climate gate’ when the story broke in Nov 2009. But that isn’t quite true. India and China took note that fraud was involved. And as a result, at the COP15 Climate summit in Copenhagen in December 2009, the Indians and the Chinese ensured that it was watered down with no binding targets. (Matthew Ehret vol 4 ‘Clash of the Two Americas’, p384)
Michael Shellenberger, independent American researcher, recounts in his book ‘Apocalypse Never’ [pp245-246] how he came across a Californian-based NGO called ‘international Rivers’ who claim to have helped stop 217 dams which may sound great but these were mostly in poorer nations, and was that always with the support of the locals? Shellenberger found a contrary opinion among locals in Africa when he interviewed them: they wanted the hydroelectric dams. Just so happens that these Californian activists were keen on white water rafting, something which dams interfere with…
How ethical or sustainable is the mining of cobalt when used as part of the technology of a solar panel - and children in the Congo have helped to produce that cobalt at great danger to themselves? Isn’t there some kind of moral obligation for modern technology to be better in every sense than the old technology? At least the widespread introduction of fossil fuels saved a lot of whales from being killed and horses from suffering when cars replaced them.