Science & the Quest for Harmony
In this second part - how the Mind Virus is behind a powerful Doom Cult that sabotaged our understanding of the world for its own purposes more than 400 years ago. We are still in its grip....
[I am indebted to English author William Stuart The Invisible College, American historian Webster Tarpley ‘The Venetian Conspiracy’ , Canadian researcher Matthew Ehret Canadian Patriot and 21st century Science & Technology for much of what follows.]
Science, as a means of mind-control, is a useful tool. For a start only a ‘scientist’ can challenge a scientist, and then only one of superior standing. We saw that with Covid: Dr Fauci, “I am the science”. It is, however, worse than that. The very subject matter itself may have been distorted over the centuries in order to support another agenda (a form of countermimicry).
It is crazy how we are accused of spreading conspiracy theories, subjected to threats of spreading disinfo/misinfo etc, when the original disinfo may have been dished out to us over hundreds of years. What we haven’t realised is that fundamental stuff, ways of explaining the world through physics that we take for granted, may not actually be correct. A perfect example is the second law of thermodynamics, or entropy. When applied to cosmology, this concept implies that we live in a state of disorder where everything degenerates – a dying cosmos. But is that really true?
And if not true, has the truth been hidden from us because at some point science was weaponised as a form of mind-control? Not just entropy but other fundamental tenets. Did this weaponisation happen such a long time ago that we have no idea that science was deliberately twisted? Did we unwittingly fall prey to someone else’s way of seeing the world to the extent that we are now supposed to accept without question a false man-made climate change claim and concur in the belief that humanity is ‘killing’ the planet? In other words, have we been oblivious to the existence of a Doom Cult which has been in operation for a v v long time, manipulating science for its own ends: fake climate change science being the latest iteration from the Cult?
In fact, it could be argued that the Doom Cult has so successfully dominated the narrative that many of us are unaware that there was ever any alternative way of thinking. And yet, back in the C17th when the Doom Cult began to emerge, there were pioneering scientists who challenged the status quo. These were scientists who understood that the cosmos is based on implicate order, a concept that didn’t re-appeared until quantum physics in the C20th. But it is because this C17th belief in cosmic harmony was so threatening to the Cult that the Cult took the conscious decision to directly interfere in science over 400 years ago - and has never let go.
Before I go into more detail about the science, I want to discuss some ideas about who and why – so that motive becomes clearer. Who was part of the Doom Cult, and why.
Taking the hackneyed symbol of the pyramid -
I am going to consider ‘why’ first.
You could be forgiven for thinking that the main motive for the abuse of science is power and wealth. That we were told the Covid lies (“follow the science”), locked down, deprived of our liberty in 2020 and then frightened into an experimental medical procedure in 2021 was so that big pharma would make massive profits and billionaires could get richer. Undoubtedly, that is what happened and may even have been part of the motive.
There is, however, another aspect of dictatorship, of oligarchs, of power and wealth. And that is the use of power and wealth to control people so that those at the top of the pyramid can consume resources, all resources. I am talking here of the pure evil of human trafficking as one of those resources. We could also call it the slave trade. But we know it is more than the slave trade [I’m not going to go into detail: you can fill in the blanks yourself].
Once you understand the desire to acquire resources, it becomes obvious why free trade is so important, why these people are ‘globalists’. Why they want to create empires, or, in modern times, vast trading entities, or international bodies like the UN or the European Union. Why they don’t want tariffs or any barriers to the free flow of goods – regardless of what those goods might be.
In their world, the end justifies the means. They will acquire those resources by fair means or foul. War/trade = makes no difference. In fact, war makes it easier for them because then people are displaced and vulnerable.
So, who are these people?
They are to some extent a many-headed hydra. You know them mainly by their deeds and the fact that they support each other, forming secret societies, committees etc. They go by many names because they morph over time: cabal, Khazarian mafia, Deep State, Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, World Economic Forum etc etc. They all play a part, one way or another (to mix metaphors, ‘onion layers’ in the pyramid). This may be one occasion when pronouns are appropriate and we could just call them “them”.
Even so, it is possible to track a specific group when going back in time and looking at the history of science. It may surprise you to know that the roots of the abuse of science originate in Venice, from the around 1600.
Venice at the time was run by families who had come from Rome a thousand years earlier. (The Roman connection is relevant.)
After the fall of Rome in 476 AD, certain leading families relocated to Venice where they were relatively safe from attack in the middle of mosquito-infested lagoons. Here they created a new city-state. As the Roman empire had collapsed, together with easy access to resources, the Venetians had to build strong trading networks instead. As a result, they became extremely wealthy, sponsoring the Crusades in the C12th and generally developing trade with the Levant.
The significance of having come from Rome is that they retained the principle of loyalty to a city-state (a v Roman characteristic) only now it was Venice, not Rome. They consistently kept their power intact for a thousand years through groups of dynastic families who formed a ruling committee with an inner circle led by a Doge who functioned like a managing director. Hence they could think long term. Their trade interests had to be protected at all costs, even if that meant developing new operational bases away from Venice.
All could be justified in name of the interests of the city-state. Religion for them was just a power play. The survival of the city was more important than any religion. These Venetians retained other Roman traits: such as being psychopathic, without empathy; being soulless, in effect, atheists; able to play both sides for material gain.
A particular Venetian MO was the use of blackmail, assassination and espionage - which made them unpopular with other nation-states in Europe who in 1508 formed the League of Cambrai in order to destroy Venice. It’s at this point that the Venetians took an interest in one monarch who did not join the League, the young King Henry VIII of England. From this point onward they forged a long lasting association with England, supporting his daughter Elizabeth I, for example, when founding the East India Company in 1600 which became the largest trading entity in the world for the next 200 years.
In spite of these close ties, it wasn’t until 1688 and the ‘Glorious Revolution’ that the Venetians managed to install their own man on the throne of England, William of Orange. He was more amenable to ruling like a Venetian Doge and was answerable to the oligarchs who controlled the British parliament at the time. It was only six years after that, in 1694, that the Venetians helped to establish the Bank of England which started as a private bank – no doubt modelled on the Fondi of Venice. [Ever wondered why ‘Lombard St’? Why £.s.d.? Not ‘pounds, shillings and pence’, but ‘Lira, soldi, denaro’.] Thus from 1688 onwards, the Venetians were able to have an even greater influence in Britain, especially on the direction in which science was developing.
So, why the Venetian interest in science? Weren’t they just money people, only concerned about trade – free flow of goods, all goods? The original bankers etc? People whose MO was espionage, blackmail, assassination, manipulation? Understanding this point is crucial to the realization that the motive is about more than power and wealth; and that bankers are themselves puppets, in the upper echelon but still puppets [and why not all bankers are bad].
Why science?
Some how, for some reason, around the start of the 1600s the Venetians must have worked out that science could be a useful psychological tool for them.
Not only does science form opinions but it actually shapes the way that people see the world. The language of science is thus a powerful way to manipulate and lend legitimacy to socio-political policies which could be used for oppression and control; psychological manipulation being so much more effective and less expensive than actual physical control. So what they deliberately created, using science, was a death cult.
The more mind-warping they could do, the better for them, conditioning society into accepting isolation (atomisation) and separation from the planet. If you are the victim of a death cult, it is easier for them to exploit you as a resource. And harder to resist if they frame the narrative in ‘scientific’ terms.
What changed around the turn of the C17th was that people began to take more of an interest in physics in general and the cosmos in particular, mainly because of advances in the quality of telescopes. More was being discovered about the cosmos. And the ideas of Kepler and later Leibniz were gaining in popularity in European courts. But for reasons which will become clear, these were discoveries were not to the liking of the Venetians and it is for this reason that the Venetians began to take take note of what was happening in science.
Infiltrating science thus became important to the Venetians. So, if they wanted to control the science narrative in order to counter first Kepler and then Leibniz, they needed to have their own man. Interestingly, the person they initially sponsored was Galileo Galilei…
Galileo was accessible to the Venetians because from 1592 he was teaching mathematics at the University of Padua, widely regarded as the university of the Venetians. Around this time Fra Paolo Sarpi, a Venetian prelate of the Servite Order and closely linked to the Venetian republic, befriended Galileo. They both shared an interest in Copernicus and by 1609, with Sarpi’s help, Galileo was demonstrating his telescope to the Venetian senate. So, for a time he was v much their man.
Galileo’s usefulness to the Venetians wasn’t just about being on a par with Kepler on the matter of celestial mechanics, but the fact that because of his international reputation he could promote Aristotelian concepts that aligned with the Venetian way of thinking, concepts that ran counter to Kepler.
Aristotle was especially popular with Venetians because of his utilitarian view of humans in which the human mind is governed only by our five senses and our immediate experiences. There is no universal ‘Mind’ in his world view. Logic is all that matters. He believed that ‘from the hour of their birth, some are marked for subjection, others for rule’ – ie intended by nature to be slaves. Given that we are ‘blank slates’, we can be programmed and slavery justified.
While Galileo may not have agreed with Aristotle on certain matters, like motion and gravity, in other respects he continued in his tradition and as a result may have unwittingly delayed scientific progress. Galileo’s arbitrary distinction between ‘subjective’ reality and ‘objective’ reality is a case in point. He placed greater importance on ‘objective’ reality (shape, position, velocity, etc) than on ‘subjective’ reality (flavours, tastes, pains); thus paving the way for ‘the scientific method’ which has plagued us ever since. Only in the C20th did we begin to heal this rift with the ‘double slit’ experiment and other advances in quantum physics. Even so, this damaging split continues to negatively affect medical research, struggling as it does with placebo. [Now they don’t even pretend to be ‘objective’: they just lie about their results, as we saw with the Covid jabs.]
A Danger to the Doom Cult
The Venetians felt threatened by the growing popularity of Johannes Kepler’s work, most notably by his 1619 work ‘Harmonies of the World’, and by the C17th revival of interest in Plato. What Kepler had worked out is that the same harmonic proportions of visual and audible space as expressed in the Golden Section, the five Platonic solids and the divisions of a string into proportions generate the same intervals that organize the intervals of the planets in the solar system – in other words, Pythagoras’ “Music of the Spheres”. Harmony does exist in the Universe.
Above all, what the Venetians did not want to encourage were the beliefs of Plato. His concept of an eternal, immortal soul and universal values emphasising harmony and purpose were all an anathema to them.
When Kepler died in 1630, the Venetians may have thought that that was the end of the danger from him. Their man Galileo had outlived Kepler. But, only a few decades after the death of Galileo in 1642, another brilliant mind began to emerge in Europe, further developing the ideas of Kepler - Gottfried Leibniz.
Born in Leipzig, Germany, in 1646, Liebniz was an extraordinary polymath, mathematician and scientist. He tried to encourage various European monarchs to take up Plato’s concept of the benign philosopher-king. He exchanged ideas with Chinese scholars and had a particular interest in Confucian notions of harmony and natural law. He was inspired by the I Ching and apparently invented a binary language which forms the basis of modern computing.
Most of all, Liebniz carried on the work of Kepler in exploring geometries as fundamental to explaining how the universe works. Leibniz proposed that nature, when left free to express itself, operated according to a fundamental economy that resulted in ‘the most action for the least effort’, the ‘minimum maximum’ principle. According to Leibniz, the movement of planets could be explained not by their mass, or the shape of an ellipse, but because of this geometric minimum maximum principle.
He was also known for being one of the inventors of calculus…
Doom Cult re-launches
The dispute over calculus gave the Doom Cult a perfect opportunity to regain their influence. All they had to do was support the other inventor of calculus, Sir Isaac Newton. And so the Venetians deliberately used the row between Liebniz and Newton to destroy Liebniz.
Usefully for the Venetians, Newton epitomised many of the key elements of the Doom Cult anyway. He held a belief in a dying and empty universe with objects floating around in it, relying on clockwork and moved by invisible forces of attraction. In this Newtonian universe there is no purpose, only empirical logic bounded by our five senses – the Aristotelian view.
The Venetians could see how these philosophical/scientific concepts could be made to apply to society. If space is empty with objects floating around like clockwork, moved by forces of attraction, then the same can be applied to human society. We are no more than individual blobs who respond to forces of attraction: fear and greed being two of the main ones. We have no innate morality, no innate creativity because, according to Aristotle, we are born as blank slates.
It wasn’t just Newton but also Newton’s contemporaries, such as John Locke who worked alongside him at the Royal Mint, who emphasised this soul-less concept of humans as blank slates. Locke explicitly echoed Aristotle, stating that ‘souls of the new born are empty tablets’ in his ‘Essay on Human Understanding’ published in 1689, only a year after the Venetians had installed William of Orange on the throne. In this essay Locke, like Aristotle, states that ‘slavery was an immutable part of the universe’. A constitution that Locke wrote for the Carolinas in America described slaves as ‘property’.
But, just as Kepler had rejected Aristotle’s blank state, so did Leibniz. Leibniz, however, didn’t write a response to John Locke until 1704 and it wasn’t published until after his death in 1716. By this time the Venetians had delivered the coup de grace. They needed Leibniz’s influence to wane throughout Europe. In particular they wanted the world to know that Newton’s version of calculus was correct and for others to think that Leibniz was a fraud.
Significantly, it was in 1715 that the Royal Society confirmed Newton’s version and coincidentally 1715 was also when a Venetian agent, the Abbe Antonio Conti, arrived in London in order to make contact with Newton. Conti purposefully intervened in the controversy between Newton and Leibniz, even getting Newton to enrol him as a member of the Royal Society. He pretended to befriend both of them in order to solve the controversy but in reality wanted to make sure that Newton ‘won’ and that the Doom Cult would prevail.
A lot was at stake because it was at this time that the British empire was growing – and the ideas of Newton, Locke, Hobbes and others were useful in legitimising the activities of an ever expanding East India Company. The concept of self-interest was becoming popular. Pseudo science was used to explain that individuals act in response to their own pain or pleasure without any concern for the whole, a view which found expression in Adam Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’ published in 1776. He wrote about market forces, hidden hands, and an atomised society, responding to fear or greed.
And it wasn’t long after that that the Venetians began to push the idea that there are too many of us.
The Malthusian Deceit
We have been led to believe that it was the Rev Thomas Malthus who first proposed that humans might exceed the carrying capacity of the Earth. He is famous for his proposition outlined in his 1799 ‘Essay on the Principle of Population’ that agricultural production grows arithmetically while population grows logarithmically; meaning that population growth will inevitably outpace food production.
But in fact the Rev Malthus based his essay on writings that first appeared nearly a decade earlier. In 1790 a Venetian work entitled ‘Reflections on the Population of Nations in Relation to National Economy’ was published. Its author, Giammaria Ortes, is described by American historian Webster Tarpley as ‘one of the most important ideologues of the Venetian oligarchy’.1 And yet, we have never heard of him.
It has to be said that this particular Venetian poison has perhaps done the most harm to the world. Quite literally millions have been denied the gift of life because too many people have believed in this pernicious propaganda. Not only have misguided delusional women (and some men) in the West decided against having children ‘to save the Planet’ but whole countries like China fell for the pseudo science. It wasn’t until 2016 that China reversed the ‘one child’ policy, having realised, no doubt, that they had been duped. By which time millions of baby girls had ‘disappeared’ and the country now faces a demographic crisis of epic proportions.
Even before the Planet showed itself capable of providing for more than 8 billion people, many scientists over time, like the great Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, have revealed the flaws in Malthus’ arguments. Vernadsky, who came to prominence before WWII partly because of his research into the biosphere, made the logical point that agriculture will increase faster than humans, because humans have the creative ability to overcome apparent limits with their innovations and in this sense there is no limit to growth. Which is indeed what has happened.
But the Doom Cult is so confident in its framing of narrative that it believes it can ignore evidence, and the popularity of Malthusian ideas continue. Many, especially those who claim to be in favour of progressive ‘green’ policies, still agree with the Club of Rome and its 1972 ‘Limits to Growth’ publication without any awareness that they are inadvertently supporting a Doom Cult whose origins go back 400 years or more.
But there is a Cult of Life. Plato, Kepler, Liebniz, Vernadsky have all shown the way. All can be in harmony. The Earth is abundant – even oil regenerates through abiotic methods. It is those who want us to believe that humans are the problem that are themselves the problem. They are the ones in error who have fallen under the influence of the mind virus.
The muppet puppets who are trapped in the Doom Cult have no idea how they got caught up in someone else’s mind-warping, so twisted that they have convinced themselves that plant food ie carbon – the very stuff of life - should be eliminated. They haven’t worked out that we have been set up. They haven’t joined the dots. It doesn’t occur to them that there is a reason why the UN’s climate czar should be a former governor of the Bank of England (Mark Carney); someone who on the face of it appears to have nothing in common with Just Stop Oil or some other activist muppet. It is because as an obedient member of the oligarchy class he is following in the Venetian tradition and protecting an agenda; an agenda the muppets have swallowed hook line and sinker.
We don’t need a Doom Cult to explain the world to us because we can see for ourselves that there is a fundamental order in the Universe. Just as telescopes in the C17th revolutionised our understanding of the cosmos then, so the spectacular images that we now receive of faraway galaxies belie earlier beliefs in entropy and a dying cosmos. Even the Sun may play a positive role in our existence, contrary to what we have been told.
Especially after the Covid crisis, we can never again allow so-called ‘science’ to tell us how to live. We must resist any attempt for science to be used and abused as a pretext for taking away our freedoms and our common sense. The climate con has to be the last attempt of the Doom Cult to rule our lives. We need to break free of the Doom Cult and reclaim the actual truth about the physical world, following in the footsteps of Kepler, Leibniz, Vernadsky and others. We owe it to those who are either mentally or literally physically trapped and enslaved by the Doom Cult to help our fellow humans rediscover the humanity and personal sovereignty that is the birth right of all us; and share between us the quest for the alternative body of scientific beliefs that really do explain the world and the cosmos, revealing the underlying harmony - and beauty.
Giammaria Ortes: The Decadent Venetian Kook Who Originated The Myth of “Carrying Capacity” Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.Printed in The American Almanac, June 20, 1994
I enjoyed that. Keep it up